Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Well, this was one amazing opportunity and something I will remember forever. Our final "unofficial" tally was 144 surgeries / smiling faces. It is difficult to explain the sense of gratification one feels after completing an Operation Smile mission. Performing cleft lip (and palate) repair is the most gratifying surgery I have performed as a plastic surgery resident. And to be able to perform this surgery on less fortunate patients and see their immense happiness is something I will always cherish. I was amazed to meet and work with fantastic individuals both in the operating room and outside the medical environment. We have bonded over such an incredible and intense experience that I know we'll be friends for life. The opportunity to see the world, perform gratifying surgery, and meet amazing people is what I call "living the life." I cannot wait to go on another mission and relive such an experience again.

Postoperative rounds....mothers and babies waiting for us.

Nightlife in Fes.

Kia, the most amazing mission coordinator!

Dr. Bellamine, a Moroccan (Casablanca) plastic surgeon, demonstrating his cleft lip repair to me.

Our mentors. (Clint, Dr. Bellamine, myself, Dr. Kelly)

The infamous Chowara tannery. Medieval style leather making at its best. (Foreground- mint to mask the decaying flesh/ammonia smell)

It wouldn't be a true Moroccon experience without some rug shop shots.

Proof that I have conquered Fes' medina.

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